Caricamento in corso...

“The first thing I learned about ChatGPT was that if it doesn’t know, it makes it up”

“Did you know that your brain regularly fills in for missing information, much of the time without you even knowing that this is going on?”

“(I)t happens so very quickly and without conscious knowledge or intent”
“Our brains are busy ‘filling in the blanks’ with information extrapolated from expectations.”

“The brain constructs a complex prediction.”

“(I)t usually comes with a great subjective sense of certainty”

ChatGPT “predicts what is likely to be the next word in the sentence. So it’s a statistical predictive engine.”

“These large language models are trained to predict the next word for a given input. And they don’t have a choice about this; they must predict the next word, even if it means that they have to make something up.”

If I were to predict how ChatGPT would predict the end of this sequence pulled from across the internet:

“I learned it by watching you!”

Altre opere di Chris Gaither...
