

Pt. 2

The people we elect won’t obey the law,
the people they appoint don’t either–
by design our demise is assigned
through another country’s policy,
corrosive, corrupting -
American solidarity undermined
A social unrest erupting
as the White House throws wide our gates
to allow in all who hate us.
A sanctioned 9-11, again, but this time,
the playbook is open, this time,
the game is no-sum as by the millions
they come, illegally, on planes and trains
a human tsunami on chartered busses,
the flotsam and jetsam of socialism
to weaken our Union’s buttresses.
What are the consequences of breaking the levy
of bulldozing our fences -
What are the consequences of selling our sovereignty
of paying foreigners to invade our borders.
What are the consequences? What will they be
without a promise of security–
The betrayal of America, the death of an idea—
Enslaved through a soft invasion sanctioned
by our own to break the nation.
What is wrong with our democrat party?
Why must we all use the same potty?
And why are there rules for me
but none for thee?
An attempt to ruin the community?
And for the nuclear family, no affinity.
What is wrong with our governing bodies?
I know they see what I see but
with arrogance so defiant
they don’t even try to hide it,
their disgust and their disdain for American culture
the American name deferred and
A police state we will come to be
our democracy in flames her people unheard;
yoked to a new hegemony -
Compensation for their silent abdication

Other works by michelle lalonde...
