

A man of no season,
a man without reason
WHO stumbles and bumbles and drools
This man past his hour
has left others in power
and turned us all into their fools—
A man of no season
this man WHO lacks reason
Has stolen another man’s rule
this man of no hour
WHO’s lost all the power -
A third-term president’s tool
The liar-n-chief has a pampered child
a drug addict with a gun,
his father’s brother’s son,
Finally reveals the lie, Joe Biden,
the decrepit old man with dementia
IS the “Big Guy!”
While he sits resolute eating confections
Biden’s brother admits the Chyna connection
And all the money he made and spent
While 'The Big Guy’ was Vice president,
And big tech and big government collude
To strip our rights, take our free speech,
The truth hidden by the fascist news
so, we can’t have the nominee we choose -
No one was allowed to be
the democratic nominee; instead
a Manchurian hand-picked
by the unelected
to rule the new world
and its new sect, and
for the people who still think they’re free
the democrats shut down Kennedy who
may have been great for the citizenry,
Instead, they want the old man who
stumbles, bumbles, mumbles and drools.

Other works by michelle lalonde...
