


Festive  season has got me a little  bit paranoid.
Yeah, a little bit.
At least it’s not so much that I can’t handle it.
But I’d be doing good if had planned for it.
I’m so tired that I verbally fight with everybody
for no reason at all.
My younger brother kept asking my father;
What in this world it’s wrong with your son?
I 'd be angry with him briefly but,
I’d give  him money if he’d ask me.
And it’s not as if he doesn’t have his.
It’s just out of the pure spirit of sharing,
Our parents raised us with.
I spend most of my off days playing PS3 with his son.
He and I are okay but,
It seems like my life struggles are not wearing only me but,
Those who I love,
Those who love so much in return.
I know this will sound untrue but,
Like you, I don’t know what’s going on with me.
Maybe, that’s the reason I got to hear him ask my father,
Or maybe, it’s just yesteryears anti socialism,
rearing it’s ugly head again.
Yes! I may be loving and loving in a short space of time.
That’s a bit embarrassing for a man my age.
I’m not one to attend anger management classes,
Not the one for counselling.
All I do when things get out of hand is;
To take a walk on my neighbourhood’s streets,
And diminish any hope people out of love have,
of dragging me into their dark pit of misery.


I know this young woman. I have known her for the past twleve years. I teased her to get close to me. It was only after I saw how strong she was during her sister's night vigil that I then thought to myself; maybe I should have her. She told her friends that I should first get my house in order before I could think of spending the rest of my life with her. I am getting there.

#Aunt #Days #Love #Paranoid #Playing #PS3 #Psychological #Son

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