
as for me


She put hands over her head.
Called and,
Pulled her friend’s hand.
There’s a dead man lying—
on the street.
They killed him!
Foreigners killed him.
I don’t know them,
I saw them pulling and
beating him but,
I’m afraid I won’t be able—
to describe them.
Right now as I speak,
I can’t do anything,
I can’t send a message because—
facebook is down.
I don’t know why but,
there’s a message going around that,
They’re doing maintenance work.
I get wrong messages every night,
I get nightmares too but,
Life without a WhatsApp is worse than—-
a nightmare.
It’s drizzling.
I hope it doesn’t rain harder or,
the crime scene will be drenched.
I’m soaked and faithless.
I’ve lost trust in the justice system.
It’ll forever take them to appear,
forever take them to report—
to the crime scene.
As for me,
I feel somewhat supernatural.
A bearer of bad news.


she screamed and pulled her hair in agony but, it was part of her gang's ploy to tuck their teeth into some man's meat. those without experience listened. the wise just walked on.

#BadNewsRain #Drenched #Soaked #Supernatural

Other works by Daniel Bogogolela...
