
may happen

all star

I was more happy to be at the village,
Than to be at the grave yard—
burying yet another uncle.
Being the one not easily understood
by my parents and most of  community
members of where I’m coming from.
I got shaken by steely eyes of cousins
who I suspect, thought I had something
to do with recent trails of death within
our family.
Confident and courageous in death
as I always am in life.
I smiled and greeted her.
It had been a long time since we had met.
I thought to myself. Here we’re together
We went separate ways but,
to the graveside.
Where our late uncle’s coffin was;
Some people were singing and,
jubiliantly singing praise hymns.
Others felt the weight of his death
upon their shoulders.
I saw my brother on the ground in pain.
But as always,
I couldn’t keep myself from laughing.
At least it wasn’t so bad that I turned
people’s attention on me.
I and  the other relative were talking about
making money and life in general.
He kept me in stitches lying that he had
just bought his own mine.
On the other hand I couldn’t keep my mouth
shut about two other relatives;
One who I heared was a trainee traditional doctor—
who stood steadfast in between two graves whose
none on them was related to us.
And a the other who’s almost my age,
who by the look of things was quietly suffering
the effects of sunburn on his face.
After we had buried our uncle,
The second one within a calender year.
The sunburnt lad came to I and told me
if I hadn’t seen the deceased driving a truck down
the hill,
Just opposite where I’m working.
Because his was no truth in essence but,
A tale of grief,
I assured him that I haven’t seen him.
We buried him and went to our aunt’s house,
Where we got served our post burial meals but,
Not before I got my eyes laid on this lass wearing
All Stars sneakers.
Maybe this pain that we had experienced
may present to us lots of blessings in future.
And that, I think,
may happen if we stop being suspicious of
one another during funerals.
Other works by Daniel Bogogolela...
