
the police

in pursuit

He left a simple life he was living—
in pursuit of the fast life he never knew.
Followed friends he first met,
Friends he never knew.
He got too excited because they had money,
Too excited because they could buy him—
anything he wanted.
Anything he wished.
The police had been watching him all along,
All while he had been thinking;
Nobody knows me,
Therefore, no one can touch me.
They pursued him,
Knocked on his shack’s room,
When he luckily was never there.
See, it wasn’t like they weren’t after him,
It wasn’t like they never wanted to cuff him but,
he told his friends;
the police aren’t after I  but you.
The police spent most of their idle time with them,
They were at bars and meat grills but,
weren’t as jovial as he had thought.
He could’ve joined in but,
Neighbours had warned him to watch his ways,
That the streets he was always stepping on at night—
were no longer safe for him to walk on.
police never played but too statements,
Statements were real scary and like his neighbours said;
They weren’t funny at all.
So they got surprised to see him play while they talked.
Seeing how serious his neighbours had become,
In their quest to become astute storytellers,
He escaped at night when he thought everyone was asleep,
And feel into the police snare.
The court refused him bail because of the severity of
charges before the judge.
He got depressed and got his hospital fulltime guarded
by angry police men who wanted to have nothing to do
with a thug.
All while they had him cordoned off,
His fake friends were laughing and planning
to have another foolish pretty boy behind bars.
All that could’ve been avoided had he listened.
Other works by Daniel Bogogolela...
