
The Eclipse

Over the land... Over the existence... The marriage and wedding of the moon and the sun starts and so... The Eclipse shines and of course... They dancing in love around the universal town even when they are separated and divided they are together and united on different paths or the same sometimes... For the moon has no light... It is all dark... all dead... Yet she can help the sun reflect his own light and made it be properly... That is the light of the moon and the darkness of the sun and sometimes the moon kisses the sun... The day becomes night and eclipse him but she knows the sunlife lights by itself... And their dance last forever and ever for is the sound of and the music without end in the eternal divine universal mind... Beyond thought, beyond imagination, beyond feelings, beyond acts... The mind still exist aware, willing and alive somehow, someway... And just like the mirroring moonly watery eyes when dreaming and/or awake are there reflecting the nocturnal but sunly fire blood star heart in the deadly life of the deep vampire twilight chest again and again... Undead like night and day.

Love is evil
Con is confidence
Eros is sore
Sin is sincere

- Marilyn Manson

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