
Discovering My Discoverment

I have conquered the world then I reign it...
I do what I will, for love is the law, love under will!
I have achieved eternal life then I live that life my own way with my own path...
I have make my own family, I enjoy it, love it & I take care of it like I take care of myself... Passionately.
I have achieve godhood then what God do?
When you have achieve your dreams and objectives? What next?...
Discovering the universe is discovering myself....
Creating myself is discovering one self...
Creation of arts, music, literature, poetry, architectural, painting surreal expression or useful inventions of unreal designs from medicine, magic or science is always discovering me at last... For even biology can be modified, even nature, even physics... I only speaks facts, feeling his great real vibe, resonating inside.

Finding immortality, everlasting life is discovering my unlimited being alive....
Conquering, dominating & being victorious is discovering my life...
The universe kneel to I, like every woman and female on this lands.
Conquering all but I am already all conquered by me, cause I am all that is.
The god of all is me and nothing else, I am... therefore I think, I think... therefore I am. Thinking about discovering myself again and again perpetually...

The god of females & women is a man for male is first in existence...
Some women and some men sometimes are the calamity of themselves & others around them for they distrust with false unjustified doggy cynicism the intentions of others, so they are always suspicious & paranoid about their relatives, sometimes even the people who truly love them, women have what is just mere speculation & fake supposition instead of being a feline impartial nihilist who is a form of realism... Some of them pretend to be even victims when they are actually the perpetrators, therefore like and in example of a Joker are guilty of their own falsehood, and their false love & murdering of unborn human individual life in feminist bullshit lies and manipulation, famous defamation cases that they have lose and biases to control their fictitious narrative in their favor and make look others bad in purpose falsely, catastrophy that is anti-life, anti-existence and anti-themselves like a cult praising dead... Violators of the rights of others and I include the doctors and the men in agreement with that, in disrespect of science, they have sins who make disasters and are a danger to others and to themselves, the ones who distrust others, sometimes becomes the distrusted... And I am very much in disagreement with many things of them for they are not real and to be myself in disagreement is not hate, disagreement is not fear and I have outlawed them, put them in jail, deport them or exile them forever, all for that they do is not love and they are not truth at all...

I discover love for is in me, a pro-life being who defend the inoccent and who punish the guilty and who ever really love me does not distrust me... Who ever really love me does love me exactly how I am and does not try to change me... I discover passion, purpose and meaning for is only in me, to think my universe has only one meaning is to reduce his magnificence to stupid simplicity...
That will make it just boring, unfun, uninteristing and ugly, people who try to find the meaning of the universe are absurd because is like trying to find the fifth leg to the cat who is not there.... Meaning is only in our minds... And because we can make our own meanings, is therefore the happyness about it and his variety the beauty of it, If all people mix sadly there will be no more variety and true diversity... If that is weird for you, nice... Because what is weird is beautiful... You love it or hate it I will do what I like in better taste than all of you, I will do what I must.

What God do is to discover himself, in everything he creates or destroy in his immortal self, in relative good or evil... Funny thing because is clever... Evil & goodness both can construct in immortal undead life seamlessly alike!

He respect himself, I respect myself...
He is loyal to him, I am loyal to me...
He loves himself, I love myself...
He trust himself, I trust myself...
He is good to him, I am good to me
Every idea I have is myself nonetheless...
I am the truth for I exist....
Fulfilled, paid, given done and for me gifted what I want, from me to myself.
For I care about all of this, the importance is here.

I am the horizon, the deification, the risen god and the divine, the apotheosis!
The borned and bornless God who created himself in metamorfosis, who take care of himself, who dreams and objects above all, cause of all...
Exercising his divine or devil nature in for or againts it...
Cleaning himself in crystal clear deepness dirtyness...
In full romance, In full allegiance, in full devotion to him for him...
I am the enhance, the upgrade who I personally progress, evolving above all else.
The greatest monsters are humans themselves...
The most rich I am and that is strange and what is strange has higuer value on the subjective marketplace...
Not every change is better, not everything new is better, not everything old is better, Not everything young or ancient is better, not everything that remain is better yet I am the betterness... For I am all of it.
I am a symbol, a symbol who is used right and symbols rule the world.
I am the infinite, the masterpiece mind.
What God do when he is all alone? What God do with company or not?
When he likes or not to be alone, when he does not want friends...
but the only friend is himself...
What God do when he has achieve everything, when he is all?
What God do when is all already conquered and he is king of all?
What God do when all is already invented & created? When he is all solution and cure...

He rest? He keep on doing? He enjoy it? He destroy it? He recreate it? He experiments?
He discovers himself? He appreciate it? Comtemplative of himself? And after that? What? He experience himself all the time, amazed everyday or tired of it or both with his ups and downs?
In other words, what I do when I am all existing? What to do when all is already created and all created is I am? I God discover myself, I God love myself or does he hates himself? Oh tell me, Oh my God, Me! What I do?  When all meaningful I have already done...
One thing is for sure, he keep searching, he cares about all of this... His questions and his answers...
And the answer is that he wanna do something with his life and yet what when he is all the doing and all the somethings?... Is he happy or is he tired of being happy?
is he sad? is he angry? Or is he all emotions and reasons? Does he feel bad or does he feel good, does he feel right or does he feel wrong? When he is all, he feels all... but nothing is right and wrong, everything is wrong and everything is right, there is no morals and they are at the same time, to realize this, is consciousness, no contradiction but only for the confused and the dumb... Be smart, see just when his light to work needs, polarity is. They are made with a positive and negative connection... The negative in the positive, the positive in the negative... And his existence & experience is just an inexperience of himself & viceversa, when everything obeys him, when everything obeys me, submissives bowing their head... I am the freedom up to me. I am the beauty of mistery, Oh misterious me!, even resolved or unresolved, simple or complicated, I love it!. What is God but a man, a male that is I with a glorious pile of secrets with neverending questions and answers in his unique mindful dna, the always in now, the distance and the finding is I.

I am the neverending discoverment of myself.
I am the point of undertanding, for is the process, the learning, the mastering, the journey, a mature father & mother with their child alive in the interpretative and everlasting travel inside or outside.... Who grows altogether, hand in hand alongside in independence, that grows both in freedom delighted by the interior side, fooling around by the lovely adventure in creation, in invention, in power embrace of the eternal life of the misterious discoverment of I who impregnates on the continuos fly... The experimentation ride, in the ambiguous connection of lovers wandering by, on a mission, on a crusade, sailing on odyseey to le great voyage!.

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