
Smile Mad Party

Hey pussies of your mothers!
Yeah!! You!! Woohoo!!

The party starts with many many many handshakes!... Look how the icecubes are going to the club!... Oh! Look how many many many milkshakes! Icecream! Snow & many many iceshakes! Oh drugs! So many many cheese there!

Oh man! So I guess I gonna rock this!
Alcohol, Banging them all night night long!
Tick-Tack! Swallow all in your holes! (Holes (Holes) (Holes)

They use depressants, including GHB and marijuana (cannabis)!
stimulants, including cocaine (coke, charlie), amphetamines (speed) and methamphetamines (ice, crystal meth), mephedrone (‘meow meow’), benzylpiperazine (BZP), N-ethylpentylone / eutylone (bath salts)
hallucinogens, including LSD (acid), MDMA (ecstasy), ketamine, magic mushrooms and DMT!.
Inhalants, including amyl nitrate (‘poppers”) and nitrous oxide!.

Takatikitakatiki Just a happy candy!
Takatikitakatiki Tagada!
I am having a nuclear fun babe!
Bring to me my favorite latte!
I am really having my white chocolate!

Oh man! So I guess I gonna rock this!
Alcohol, bombing them all night night long!
Tick-Tack! Suck it all in your mouths! (Mouths (Mouths) (Mouths)

Oh my sweet pizzas! Coming here my divas! On their collars and their latex with all the tomato, olives with extra cheese and sausage!
She tell me I am a mastermind genius demon!
Dancing all up in your mass graves!
I am the liberator, the messiah!!!

I am TNT! Grenades! Anti Tank Landmines! Some Napal! Tomahawk Air Missiles!... Tall boy! Moab Thermo Barbaric! The Father of all bombs! Neutron bombs! EMP!
A Halifax Explotion! Little boy the atomic! Fat Man! Colbat! B83 Hydrogen! Tunguska Meteorite! Castle Bravo! B41 Termonuclear! Tzar/King Bomba! Krakatoa! Magnitude 10 Earthquake! Anti Matter Bomba! Super Volcano Eruption! Dinosaur Extinguisher! A Gamma Ray burst from an hypernova! 1 nonillions tons of tnt! & I am the winner God of all bombs disappearing the defeated Russia once and for all!

Lets go motherfuckers!! Woohooa!!

Takatikitakatiki see me smiling!
Takatikitakatiki boom! bang!
Oh look! A nuked and dead Israel
Oh look! A destroyed middle east as well
Oh look! Afrika is now uninhabitable

Oh man! So I guess I gonna rock this!
Alcohol, Killing them all night night long!
Tick-Tack! I fuck them all in the Cunts (Cunts (Cunts) (Cunts


Takatikitakatiki not anymore your mother!
Takatikitakatiki Takataka!
Oh look! A takeover of the motherland!
Oh look! I even change the name ot it!
Oh look! Gonna give the true advancement!

Oh man! So I guess I gonna rock this!
Alcohol, Fatherland all night night long!
Tick-Tack! I smash them all in the Wombs (Wombs (Wombs) (Wombs

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