Caricamento in corso...


I puke up the vomit of society
I gulp down consumerism with distaste
It’s a deceivingly potent cocktail
But it looks oh so pretty with that umbrella and strawberry garnish
I am intoxicated by it
Hey, sometimes I take shots
It’s poison, no matter what chinese-factory-produced, discounted, homeware vessel it comes to me in
I regurgetate their shit
and I shit out their values
This is it
I don’t want to partake
My connection to other souls and to the land - washed away
Clinging to some grain of meaning
Washed away like a baby in a basket floating down stream
At least he was born
Now he can grow
Or maybe he won’t make it
Green washed. White washed. Sterilized.
Perpetually disguised
I’m disgusted
It makes me sick
Baby is passed around from foster family to foster family
He needs to be nurtured. Loved.
He needs Mother Nature
I can’t remember the colour of his eyes
Just a tint of a memory left
I miss him
Society dresses him up in drag, says he’s different to everyone else.
He’s ok. He’s fine. He’s normal. He’s not.
Stark binary opposites. simple categories.
Simply makes everything more complicated.
Complexity swirls around. up and around. Rapidly gaining speed until its a monster web of confusion.
A cloud of dust and danger. My mind makes out frightful, devious faces in the swarming air.
Where am I even going with this?
We can no longer see
We are robbed of truth
Our world is spinning so fast we try to keep up
Try to get ahead
Where are you going?
Running in circles
Day after day
let the dust settle.
Exhaust all those thoughts that run laps around our minds and convince us of many things
Nothing is this or that
Everything is transient, ever-changing, beautiful.
No. Not even that
It just is.
Everything is.
Don’t fear what you cannot label
Nor what you label so ignorantly
Language is a dangerous tool, often misused and mistaken for something it is not
'Everything is’ is not a complete sentence. But it is complete.
You are complete.
Come my friends
Look around you
The world outside you is the world inside you
The suffering needs not be
I am you. You are me.
You mean everything to me.
I stand before you, just a mere flicker of the collective consciousness struggling to be seen
Open your eyes.


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