Caricamento in corso...

The Meltdown

Madly in love with illusions
Grasping on tightly to the darkest reckoning
Feeling red storms casting a shadow over your once light powerful aura
You fall into deep troubled spells of sleep
Avoidance will be there until nothing is accomplished
And the world will melt away into extreme separation
Unsatisfied in every way
Your feelings have lifted you off the ground
Constantly floating away from reality
In a flutter of your poisonous dimension
Dark eyes look into nothing
Diamonds crashing into sharp knives
Cutting you off and away from your forgotten life
A loop strangling your precious voice
A void of emptiness spinning you round until you vomit humanity
Days melt into minutes
Years evaporated into seconds
Bleeding memories
Not a care
Not a feeling
Not a thought

Altre opere di Sinead Whitehouse...
