Caricamento in corso...

A never ending Waiting List

A never-ending waiting list
I’m at the end of the line
Patience is wearing thin
I’m weekly positive
My faith in you is misunderstood
Why am I so far down the waiting list
I have special priorities like everyone else
My sadness isn’t enough I get it
My fear isn’t enough that’s fine
My disbelief isn’t enough, why not
Trust is important yet I have none
In my life
Freedom shouldn’t be a gift
Choice shouldn’t be a privelidge
But you keep bringing the challenges
Expectations to be constantly tested
I want to do great things
I have passion flowing inside of me
But your plans for me are an abomination in my mind
Eating away at my personality
Secrets wasted
Melted happiness  is all I’m aware of
My teardrops turn to poisonous acid
My fears turned into interjected worry that constantly interrupt me
I must be so far down the waiting list

Altre opere di Sinead Whitehouse...
