Caricamento in corso...

The Born Lovers

The Nest in the Black Tree

Once the embryo was in growth
The stars promised salvation
Mother of Nicho sang her lullaby
Notes in minor chords
Drifting in between worlds
Eyes embrace lashes
“While you were sleeping I remembered.
Just say the words, anything.
Anything you need my Only.
My Only.”
He grew strong with that love
Nicho’s speed was a gift of the Watch Tower
His future was seen
Young Leyn, the child of Grace
She was built to carry
Constructed of the Watch Tower’s beauty
Infallible her smile
Unmeasured her Love
“My child.
He will need you.
The world will die soon.
Be the strength he needs to go on.
You are he’s got.”
She grew on the sidelines of stares
She whispered his name
Of Nicho and Leyn
The two made the stars
A love deep enough to keep the world together
The only
To save us all
Pray For Nicho and Leyn
Their love steel plated
Designed for war
Intention of survival
We will need them in our last hour
God’s Speed my Sprinters
God’s Speed
Brontus Senglairn
The War Machine
Craves the sky red
Hates the breath that we breathe
He wants our souls to feed the dark
Our souls to feed the Wretched
Sworn enemy of the Watch Tower
The clock Maker
The Time Keeper
Nicho and Leyn must survive this night
Or we don’t
Of Nicho and Leyn

Altre opere di Saidwhattha (N.G.)...
