Caricamento in corso...

Run Sprinter, Run

The Nest in the Black Tree

The Nest in The Black Tree
Did the Sprinter make the Watch Tower
Her gears were at God’s Speed
The Clock Maker made the vessel true
The Wretch is the Nest
Waiting and watching                                                                                                                            Wretches smell the Sprinter’s speed
She must make the journey through
The Bad Lands of Glass and Fire
God’s Speed has been reached
Radio the Watch Tower
                The Wretch seeks her
                Run, Sprinter run
I’m the soul that has been swallowed
Never have I felt such speed
If I’m not here then where
The sand is sifting through the glass
Heart-Break Timer is running the panic
The Wretched wait at
The Temple of Brontus

Altre opere di Saidwhattha (N.G.)...
