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Love my bloody self!

By: Rafika Pahud

I can only love myself.
I’m actually very self absorbed and a narcissist.
I live for me to go to heaven one day.
I can only live through my kids like a mirror that copies me.
I can be happy by staying alive.
Tomatoes and garlic bread is damn good.
I love fried shrimps very much.
I enjoy drinking limeade during the weekends.
I eat carrots and dip them in hummus.
I can love a cat.
I can love my husband.
I can even love my step kids.
I can definitely love my beautiful kids from my belly.
I can’t love other people’s kids though cuz they are not my kids at all. Thank God!
I’m happy that God gave me a good damn life! To live and cherish with it!
Love this miraculous life that God gave to its humans to procreate and enjoy the chocolate strawberries!
Love My good damn spicy hot chicken wing life! With some French dressing on the side! Woo! Ha!

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