Caricamento in corso...

God is an odd man

By: Rafika Pahud

I choose my life cuz apparently I’m not appreciated in my own home any longer so I decided to create a new happier home.
This society is so evil cuz it is lost and God wants to help it’s people from it’s suffering and pain.
Mark and Amy Sanders are two unique odd people that chose to be together and create children to harvest more weirdness and cause more mayhem on this freaky planet. Adam and Eve are a twisted pair that want people to create more humans to be miserable and unhappy in their marriages so they decided to continue another generation of fuckups  and so the cycle horribly continues... and we all go to heaven one magical day,  also somehow life is so not very dead after-all. I got my happy ending with my lovely husband!

Altre opere di Rafika Pahud...
