
I’m a happy kid forever

By: Rafika Pahud

I don’t want to leave my parents.
In fact, I love my parents cuz they took care of me my whole life so why would I ever leave them to go to a better place?
I don’t want to grow up whatsoever.
I don’t want to become a boring adult with a lame stupid thankless low salary job.
I want to become a pretty princess who is a fucking boss around the house.
I don’t want to go with Jesus in the end but I’m forced to. I’m forced to sit in these horrible prison walls all day and think about my full incomplete life in a crappy high school in Austin, Texas.
But in fact, I just want to stay with my papa and my Laila Jalila mama and stay with her forever and eat lots of great chicken tajine and eat some good potatoes and sauce and cous cous as well!

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