
I Hate This Family

By: Rafika Pahud

I don’t know why I’m here.
I gotta be top dog of the house.
I have my jobbie now so I don’t look like an idiot.
I can’t live like this anymore cuz I must have my life cuz it’s all that matters.
This society is evil cuz religion is bordered all around it.
My mother is cruella devil cuz she only cares about her beauty and her fancy  jewelry and hot Nordstrom clothes.
I don’t want to be like her cuz I’m not a popular girl cuz I like poetry and cooking good Mexican food.
I wanna get out of this fucking house!
I just want my insurance for a better future with my lovely husband and create a nicer family than the one I already have since they don’t want me any longer!
Fuck them!
I don’t need them!
I just need myself!

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