

Two very different people, that’s what we are.
Since the very beginning, we’ve come very far.
It was the connection we made, it happened so fast.
The feelings grew, and the shyness passed.
I could be myself around you with nothing to hide.
No matter what I did you were there by my side.
Please tell me why, why this is happening,
why you had to end all we had, isn’t it anything?
Do you even care now, care about how, how it hurts that you let it go,
well if you care, you never show.
I think about it everyday what went wrong,
how we could just be done after being so close for so long.
It’s not fair for you to just call it done,
but you had me fooled for so long, I guess you won.
It hurts that I can’t look at you the same,
I’m going to miss hearing you say my name.
You all of a sudden changed, you’re a whole new guy.
Without saying a word, we see each other and just walk on by.
I see get butterflies every time I see you,
inside I just want to walk up to you, and hug you too.
I’ll always remember the memories we had,
our happiness filled the good ones, but some were bad.
You were my longest relationship, the one who held my heart tight,
was the love I held for you there, or for you was it out of sight?
Even though you would listen, it was hard for me to speak,
being so emotional I felt vulnerable and weak.
I want you to know that I wanted to tell you, tell you everything I thought,
but for some reason my mind would go blank, and I just couldn’t talk.
I feel now that everything you said to me wasn’t real,
but the hurt I get to think it was all lies, isn’t something I want to feel.
Do I get an explanation as to why you broke up with me?
All I got was you’re bored, and that you’re losing interest in me.
What did I do wrong, to make you feel this way?
When you promised we were forever, I thought you would stay.
I never expected you to treat me like this.
the old you, the one I thought I knew, I will miss.
I did really love you, and I still do.
There will always be a place in my heart for just us two.
Autres oeuvres par Nicole Enger...
