
A poem for grandpa

Don’t be scared grandpa, for everything will be alright.
Grandma will never be alone, we will all keep her in sight.
I know she’s going to struggle though, cause she’s always had you by her side.
But if and when it’s time for you to go, I know she won’t mind.
She sees that you’re hurting, and just wants the pain to go away.
But she knows that won’t happen, as long as you stay.
Well grandpa, I can tell you, I already feel alone.
I’m here with everybody else, while you found home.
I still can’t believe you’re gone though, it doesn’t feel real.
You’re still going to be there when I go to your house, that’s how I feel.
I’m sad that you had to go, and I’m going to miss you a lot.
I thought I would’ve been prepared for this, but in reality I’m not.
It’s like even though you know something bad is going to happen,
you can never mentally prepare yourself for it,
the hurt you feel afterwards, is almost too devastating to face.
But I know you’re in a much better place grandpa, sure you’re much happier now.
I need to stop being so selfish and realize it was for the best, but I don’t know how.
What I do know though, is that we are going to be okay,
all of us here, we’ll make it through this together.
We all need each other most at times like this,
no matter how close or distant we are from one another.
With that being said grandpa, here are my last words to you.
Rest easy, and always know that we are all thinking of you.
You are an amazing grandpa, and I thank you for everything.
I love you so much, and one day, I will see you again.
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