Caricamento in corso...

I don't know

I’m not sure
if what I seek truly exists
I’ve followed its tracks
shed tears in the foam of its wake
I’ve pursued it
through every means at my disposal
still it evades me
as the monster in the tourist encrusted lake
I’m sure I’m on its trail
its scent hangs in the air
it forces, impels and urges me onward
a downward spiral of dogged determination
expressed like sustenance for a babe
my thoughts are drawn out
as if by horses into light
a sketched sheriffs badge worn as I scout
a new field of vision
I will use dowsing rods to find its form
I just don’t know what it is
what am I hell bent on searching for
all I know is that until I do
my heart cannot rest
this obsession is mine alone
a head full to burst with broken pieces
this obsession is mine alone
broken its will shall break me
I search ceaselessly
blindly, alone

that nagging splinter
you burn my soul with your tinder
you goad my dreams
and trump my resolve

and you leave me reeling
in a head shake so unappealing
what are you which I seek
give me a sign that you can quake

I will honour none who refuse
to fight me with stoic silent muse
I will be here when the game ends
come see my face, my blue eyes

and I shall give to thee my true title
the one my fathers father hailed
not this Mmmmmm of bound lips
he just hides and is my conceal

what is it you seek
what plans have you made
defiance is only defiance
if you have something you're against

I've known you man and boy
I'm your reflection or are you mine
maybe my life is your life
reversed on the other side

Altre opere di Lowercasemmmmmm...
