Caricamento in corso...

a heart full of broken glass

We dance and coil
The barbed wire scarf pulled tight
We glance and toil
As skillfull  liars laugh at our wool tugged eyes
Dyslexic, unassuming and reticent
We as one weep our separate childlike rants
We want the whole and the half as well
We’re attempting peace without can only can’t
And as the sky rains fierce and fiery
And toxins trash the systems immune
And wilful ignorance is a garden watered
And clowns make decisions that fume
And as people get rounded and bled
And love gets replaced by a gun
We will all lay awake wondering how
We didn’t see this apocalypse come


In never ceases to astound me how some people are just oblivious to everything that goes on around them

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Altre opere di Lowercasemmmmmm...
