Caricamento in corso...


true and real faith hides its face when the spotlight hits
between ego and a barrage of hurt feelings,
we endure our lives as an out as an out of reach braille epilogue
asides fluttering in subliminal echoes as we’re told our readings,
our stage and act is someone else’s eyes covet
the hologram they see isn’t our heart or what dwells within,
we’re constant, whether in this or the next state of being
viewed differently only by the eyes of those who can’t see you,
if the soul doesn’t change then I stay the same
it doesn’t matter if I swoop fast or dive slow,
true epiphany is just one spoke on the wheel of this journey
in death, reincarnation or just letting fear go,
even truth is malleable and doesn’t stay the same
over time it can change, like clay be shaped,
would I speed up or slow down to greet life or death
would it make any difference, when love abates

Altre opere di Lowercasemmmmmm...
