

I will sit with the titans, rejoicing in stories of old and breaking bread.
I will stand tall, holding my head up with pride of my accomplishment.
Walking alongside my family, our sojourns together will build my own tales.
For now I stay swaddled, not ready to make an impact, but, someday.
Future friends and foes alike afford me the opportunity to shine with greatness.
The blazing “S”, the blackened bat and friendly spider are all me.
Each evening my great adventures pause briefly for a time of bespectacled joy.
The warmth of love is greater than the cotton predecessor, but someday I will wonder.
The pendulum swings sure footing into awkward ankle twists on even ground.
Phantoms born of angst, fear and heightened hormones haunt me.
Confidence grows as a great library is founded, filled and expanded into my soul.
Fractured from mistrial, it is reshaped and honed into a harder substance that someday will deliver me safely.
Blue pools offer sustenance, rest and above all else a healing salve.
The hearth long neglected, settling for bland embers now finds a spark.
Possibility lay hidden neath impossibilities guise, now bare to discover.
My muse, my hope, my heart are all as one now... Someday.


Other works by David Sohn...
