
Blue Sky

Visions of home through the waters surface
Kicking letharigcally toward them they fade
A facade of darkness surrounds me
Welcomed for the moment as I attempt to reinspect previous films
Sneaking slowly across the floor a nymph thinks itself sly
Close to, then up against the wall it thinks herself unnoticed
Glowing and radiant she brings clear perspective
A subtle explosion announces her arrival unknowingly
Sensing more like her my eyes are drawn toward her portal
Sweet electric pleasure travels down the spine
Delights for the soul are given freely by eyes burdened with joyful tears
Heart yearning for hope is nearly drowned from the bounty given
A perfect muse she inspires all who are blessed with her beauty
Sadness and weariness are thrown out to be replaced with contentment
So many possibilities given yet simply the prospect is enough
There is nothing more perfect
Her presence is finite as she grows tired from her vigil
Cheeks blush with a final radiance from her many suitors
With one final sigh she rests but giving one final gift
Diamonds adorning infinity with dreams of a perfect muse returned


Other works by David Sohn...
