
The vagaries of inheritance tax!

By Stanley Collymore
Inheritance tax is only paid by
the people in the middle and
obviously very significantly
so because those truly at the bottom
of Britain’s really structurally, in-built
class-oriented and rather discernibly
feudal mindset society transparently
have no money, of their own. Whilst
the elites meanwhile, actually along
with those either at the top or eager
aspirants to be there of this literally
rather prejudicially self-entitled and
likewise also a scrupulously inbuilt
and quite transparently unjust, and
perpetually unfair class-ensconced
society, that Britain undoubtedly is
and its very perceived sycophantic
serf and also delineated plebeians
actually live in, pay no inheritance
tax at all; while clearly, off-loading
their several billions, and similarly
too significantly acquired incomes
into appropriate trust funds, or the
numerous offshore bank accounts
totally known about but discernibly
co-conspiratorially, and ostensibly
actually conveniently, as it usually
happens, very crucially, out of the
clearly obviously, legal jurisdiction
of the UK Inland Revenue system!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
14 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
What's not paying one's rightful taxes to do with anything really, when those rather seriously involved in not doing so, see it as a profitable game, piece of cake actually, and quite literally worth playing! And most specifically so if you are divinely blessed with a discernibly, inalienable birth right!


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