
Just what is expected from William and ignored by sensible folk!

By Stanley Collymore
William Windsor the clearly
condescending hypocrite!
Why the fuck don’t you
live like the rest of your largely
white serf Brits? Perhaps then
intelligent people would start
respecting you, as essentially
and irrefutably so, distinctly
lots of them, evidently don’t.
Right now, your so toxically
obviously useless existence
and institutional, madness
enhance, and quite solidly
do reinforce evident class
divide in Britain. So truly,
just bloody-well, go away
with all your discernibly,
proselytizingly crap that
you fittingly, and clearly
unwarrantedly as a vile
self-entitled and simply
privileged prat literally
crassly sound off about
and very sensibly start
putting, your own kids
also in state schools; if
You will keep going on
idiotically, about early
year opportunities. As
what, you’re cynically
advocating and really
stand for aptly stinks!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
17 January 2023.

Author's Remarks:
The Daily Mail in its discernibly rather asinine obsession, is obviously happy to have everyone whom it can clearly most ridiculously persuade, distinctly hate Meghan and Harry. Distinctively though there are self-evidently others who know what moral fibre is clearly have it in abundance!

So, basically, go aptly suck each other off you Daily Mail rag hacks and your controlled trolls! As you're irrefutably so pathetic losers!

#Greed #Hypocrisy #Racism

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