
Judging you by your cover


Just because they think they know better,
The only thing they’re good at is being a good upsetter,
they think you’re no good,
If they only understood,
What pain and anger they give me every bloody day,
Is not by their hands but of what they say,
I wish you’re here with me to witness this,
To cure this pain is with a kiss,
To heal my pain, anger and disappointment,
I don’t want to go to the hospital or go to a doctor’s appointment,
I just want you to help me seek justice,
Cause your light is like a compass,
It helps me find a better path to life,
I want to be lover or if we last longer..your wife,
Your the only good thing that came out of my problems,
In the winter your only flower that blossoms,
I wish I could help you to recover,
Not your heart but by your cover

This poem is based on a true story about my family judging someone based on their family...just because their family has the past, doesn't mean he's not going to follow their path...For once I feel thier not the way my family thinks they are..everyone has a brighter side to themselves...

Autres oeuvres par Yadira Mendez...
