
Angel By My Side

Trisha Barrek Hopkins
When I feel down and lost
And can’t find my way in the dark
All you have to do is smile
And that brightens everything
So as your presence is around
I pray you stay with me for a very long while
To my heart a joy you always bring
When there is a storm over my head
You make the sun shine
And my soul no longer feels like lead
Now I am feeling a lot better because you’re mine
You take away the pain
And some how let me know everything is okay
I then have a better day
And every time happiness you bring
You are my angel by my side
You are always there when I need you
You answer all my prayers
You always guide me through
When I have a tough situation
You help me decide
You some how always keep my skies blue
God sent you to me for a reason
To make sure I make it through life
Make sure I survive
He asks you to guide me through each season
You help me stay alive
In myself and my duties
You help me believe in
With every part of my life
With your big brown eyes
They make me glad you’re with me
God had sent you from the heavens skies
You’ve changed the way I use to be
Even though I have my days
I thank the lord above
For not taking you away from me
So this is why our safety I put in Gods hands
To protect thee
And in return he sends his love
To guide us in a better direction a better way
And for him by our side he’ll always stand
Whenever we hear a church bell ringing
We’ll know you are there
To protect us from harm
We hear your precious singing
We know you care
Because of you my little girl is my lucky charm
And for that reason You both will always be
My angel by my side



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