Caricamento in corso...

To be a Man

To be a man is more than eloquent speech, or the common cliche, it is the determination too will and act, in this act not with a mask, but with transparency, morality, and love; not this love that some may perceive as weak feeble, but to love truth, justice, and never waver from what is right, even to the point of death, and give one’s self for another. Too be patient and kind, not expecting anything in return, but out of the humility of heart, giving not just of monetary possessions, but of time, and ear; Be a shoulder someone can cry on, and yet be that old oak tree with its roots deeply cemented in the ground, firmly embracing the seasons, and the storms, and so to be a shade, and comfort to those in need, and by these actions showing love to humanity; Knowing you touched a life, and just maybe inspired others, to love instead of hate, and by this showing what it is to be a man.


Altre opere di Tobias Windsor...
