
Elemental Passion

I am the Desert.  
The earth is warmed by the sun, with rising peaks and valleys.
Parched washes cross the desert floor.
I radiate heat as the dry winds make their presence known, and
Passion is held within the earth.
You are the Ocean.
The cool waters churn with strong waves and rising tides.
Sea foam gives itself up to the sky.
You travel with purpose on the wind currents, and
Passion is held within the clouds.
The first drops come slowly, lightly and awaken my senses.
Seeds of desire begin to stir.
You rain down and soon the washes run as a flash flood of pleasure.
The once parched earth opens and releases wild colors held within, and
For a brief moment, the Desert and Ocean are united in passion.  

Otras obras de Susan Mc Cowen Williams...
