
Minds Eye

The mind is such a scary yet comforting place. It can build dreams higher than the moon, then tear you down to the depths of the deepest ocean. The saying that we are our own worst enemy or our own worst critic is my mantra. I cannot escape the dark things that my mind pours out like a fire hydrant. All of the what ifs, why nots and failures echo in my mind like a choir of ghosts. But, they are becoming distant and faded. I can no longer live in fear of life. I have made many mistakes, and I will make so many more but I cannot be fearful. I am human, I am flawed, I will fail. I will also be victorious, successful and at times even perfect. The balance of dark and light is the most difficult to achieve but it is as essential as  the air I breathe. We are never good one hundred percent of the time, nor are we evil. Without the darkness I cannot appreciate the light and without the light I cannot live through the darkness. One needs the other for life to make sense, for it to be beautiful and tragic all in the same moment. At times I am in the darkness fully, but I see the light ahead. I see its warmth and beauty. I know that I can make it there. My fingertips are just outside of it’s heavenly borders. I know that I must pass through this darkness before reaching the light, but the journey is long and I am so tired. Can I save myself? I must and I will.

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