
The Bottom

Where am I
No familiar feelings
Nothing connected
Sitting at the bottom hoping for stunning wildness
Gigantic pity
The stupid questions
Starting a small conversation
They don’t give a
They just don’t
While I sit at the bottom
Dreaming of
Dreaming for
Dreaming that the world will be great one day
You can’t say it
And you can’t bottle it up
You can’t cry
And you can’t laugh
You can’t stand
You can’t sit
You can’t blink
Because that’s all the time they need to abandon you
Let me click my fingers and you’ll see everything
Let me walk away and you’ll know why
Let me be me
Let you accept this
Let you accept me
Sitting at the bottom
Shaking the earth
Arms floating above my head
You won’t let me be powerful
Or happy
So I’ll sit
At the bottom
Of a glass pit
Soaking up the frustrations of this bitter disappointing life
I’m not breathing
But I’m free
To sit at the bottom of my dainty choice of a hiding place
Issues weighing me down
I start to sink
W you won’t see me
You won’t judge me
And where you’ll find me never


Autres oeuvres par Sinead Whitehouse...
