
Ghosts Of Ghosts

They comfort you when your alone
But consequences are the constant haunting
A brief shadow at the corner of your eye
A familiar noise from the past
Just an echo
A sharp instant of feeling rushing back
Rain drops filled with empathy
Thunder filled with anger
The sun a miss understanding
A smell of last years regrets
A touch of in completed revenge
A wasted sparkle
Stupidity runs like water
Eyes blink like tomorrow’s end
Why didn’t you notice
Wake up
Smell the ignorance
They’re here
They’re waiting for you
Don’t ignore it any longer
The littlest hope
The smallest fear
The faded feelings
All come flooding  back
For yesterday’s you
Don’t make realisation be your weakness
Don’t let it be your death
You knew once
You can remember again
Take everything you have to see them
The madness it is not
The suffocation it is not
Guilt it is not
Justice it Is
Be your best not your worst
Be your new not your old
You helped them
Now they’re helping you
They want you to exist

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