Caricamento in corso...

i'm magic

I’m a wispy boon
a gleeful surprise
ineffable in my own
still growing, but I’ve grown
Even you are me,
I am he
This heart– this oarsman keeps me alive
or the breaths would’ve lasted at five
My eyes sparkle with belief
For I’m gonna fix up the world
I was magic, when I loved you,
the world did, but you never knew .
I’ll be magic forever
cause all I know is to love
just like everything else– to be ashes is my pursuit
But my spirit will forever soar like a dove
‘Cause all I know is to Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .!!X!!

love does wonders , only if you love unconditionally and for the good of other and for the conscious satisfaction of your own desires .

Altre opere di Simran Aman...
