Caricamento in corso...

where am i

Walking along these barren streets
The dim glow of the street lamp keeping watch
Flickering in warning
The darkness approaches
Its taking my warmth
Why is it so cold?
This unfamilar sharp cold hunting me
The darkness is closing in on me
I start running
Where are my shoes?
The street is unforgiving
The wind laughs at me as it bites by
Chortling out its insults
The darkness is on me now
I try and excape, get out of its grasp
Im falling
Im so cold
Where is everyone?
These streets are a ghost of the comfort they once held
I cant excape
The darkness is licking at my feet
The cold is holding me down
The once friendly street lamp is now a bitter memory
Im suffocating
Everythings black
I cant fight
Im getting tiered now
The darkness is now my only comfort
Ill sleep now


Altre opere di Sheena Denison...
