
Her Portrait

The Nest in the Black Tree

In the shades of bruising.
I was there for your portrait
                                       The day was beginning.
The frame of your face was breaking
Away like sand castles waiting for the tide
                                       The day was patient.
Remember the words you said to me.
Promises unintended.
                                       The day was drifting
The way your hair falls
On the pillow with eyes filling me.
                                       The day was slowing
I found you in the Black Tree sleeping
You looked serene.
                                       The day belonged to you
That last night I didn’t see the next day
Breathing the alone.
                                       There were no more days
She left for the Watch Tower
The Time Keeper sang silent
                                        It’s night
The Nest.
My Vessel left to time’s mercy, God’s Speed Sprinter



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