

Looking at the stars at night
Thinking about why the’re so bright
Looking back at my life
Don’t know when it stopped to thrive.
Always thinking, always dreaming
I don’t know when I stopped knowing
Now there’s nothing to fall back on
Now I feel that my memories, they’re all gone.
All gone, My memories are all gone.
Life’s hard, yeah, it ain’t easy
Without memories it might be tricky
Never really, tried dreaming
With no memories it’s hard to keep living.
All experiences, all happy times
They all get stored in our memories
Whatever we do, all we know
We keep them in our memories
There might not be any life to live
When we have no memories to give
Passion for life starts ending
We become devoid of any feeling.
Now there’s nothing to fall back on
Now I feel that my memories are all gone
All gone, All gone
My memories are all gone.

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