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My Golden Egg

By: Rafika Pahud

Religions are a way to escape for a better brighter future.
Easter and Golden Egg shit  no one has a clue to.
American parents divorce high and many kids unhappy.
Schools give way too much
Geometry homework.
I wish I have a job at this point, so I don’t look like an idiot.
I can’t handle everything cuz I need my life as well.
I don’t like this crazy western society where kids are gluing their eyes to their cell phones instead of reading a book.
I thought parents were normal but they are secretly teenagers too.
I’m angry at a society that just doesn’t care.
I love to drink hot cocoa with whipped cream on top.
I love my black leather jacket cuz I think it makes me look  too cool for school.
I’m a real smart cookie and I like my breakfast cereal.
I love you mother so much!
You are my chocolate ice cream sandwich!

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