
We Need Full Spectrum Healing Cannabis Oil

Please don’t be fooled by the snake oil seller
Those who tout CBD oil as the best solution
Those who marginalise the vital role of THC
It is undeniable that CBD has great benefits
CBD can help a variety of different ailments
And is a true salubrious health supplement
But hemp oil is entire and holistic with THC
CBD and THC in balance are more effective
Full spectrum cannabis oil is a true lifesaver
A miracle that kills tumours is found in THC
Full Extract Cannabis Oil is a healing wonder
Rick Simpson Oil a holistic therapeutic cure
Rosin, shatter, and wax have potent property
Legal edict may restrict access to these oils
And make CBD oil the only viable alternative
This does not dis the healing role of CBD oil
Nor the genuine suppliers of this medication
CBD will ease pains and give energy and hope
And is a viable alternative for many sick folks
But do not be deceived, the whole hemp plant
Is required for the full natural healing benefit
To kill cancers, shrink tumours and save lives
THC is the vital ingredient that rapidly works
Both CBD & THC can be grown in one’s abode
This oil is easily made in the kitchen at home
Teach a family to make hemp oil to save lives
So they’ve an effective remedy for loved ones
And a therapeutic skill they can share for life

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