Caricamento in corso...


The rain comes and goes
as rainbow appear and fade
but my love for you will not fade
nor storms can blow it away
A great path shall be paved.
Commitment I’ve already made
We are the chain that will never break
My love yearns for your intake
Your sentiments I’ve kept and saved
...your sentiments I’ve kept and saved
...your sentiments I’ve kept and saved
Only death will do us apart
without death I will never depart
I’ll settle until the end of time
I will never torment your life, I will never would
‘cos you are my brightest light
I see future in your pleasant eyes
We are the bond that will forever rise
now let’s forever make priceless momentous.
Neo Maebana Mohlala 2017

Come storm or hail, dusk or dawn, hell and back, love lives in the hearts of those who cherish
and treasure every moment in it. The piece leads us through the little things that makes the
heart grow fonder and keep the relationship growing older.

Altre opere di Neo Maebana Mohlala...
