
the well of goodness

90 years journey of truth bound by honor... cheers... tagay brods! stay close to your heart where goodness resides...ndr

                 the well of goodness
let the Tau Alphans
reset to seek the well
the well of goodness
many moons ago they had
having shared their beliefs their biases
for the past nine decades
more so in recent months
having stood many times over
before the forks in the road
lost in moments of passion
trying to hold resolutely steadfastly
onto the fountainhead of fellowship
  the truth the Golden Fleece
the Argo had carried
Tau Alpha Fraternity
across the tumultuous seas
sailed through myriads of trials
through the gauntlets of life
challenges the past ninety years
the Alphan Way
a camaraderie deep-seated
in the Tambayan tradition
taking in from the well of goodness
from their hearts
the laughters kindness from
their souls
let share
share virtues once more
get the forbearance back
the uprightness
the goodwill
in the keep ever intact
raise the glasses for a heartfelt toast
as had been done many times over
  for generations
and will do with the same exuberance
  and verb
for the next hundred years and beyond
reaching deep into the well of goodness
   at all times the truth
the Golden Fleece in the true Tau Alphan spirit of Tambayan
Cheers brods! As ever... Tagay!
Photo: Online University of the Philippines Diliman Campus Tau Alpha Corner Tambayan

Poem written for the 90th Anniversary of the founding of the Fraternity Tau Alpha.

Happy Birthday to all Tau Alphans worldwide!

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