Caricamento in corso...

Mask under the Sea

Tuned in to just hearing sad blues, Feeling those deep waves tugging me down
Inner chest feeling so heavy, Yet why do I feel so empty
I hold out my hand as a last prayer, Only to be met with darkened despair
Clouded eyes can’t see past it, I’m starting to lightly taste the copper
Weighted to the bottom of the ocean, I stare up at the distorted world above me
I’d like to resurface more than I do, Drowning again and again can be so disheartening
But under here no one can see my tears nor hear my cries, I can continue to play that I’m just fine
Mask of smiles plastered to my face, Cracked and brittle as they may be from overuse
Please don’t judge me for these hidden crimes, I never truly wanted to deceive nor deny
I feel that I am not enough for anyone, So I shall play the roles presented to me that all wish to see
Adrift or more astray on whom I truly am deep inside, Melancholy or cheerful which am I to be
Burring my fingers into the sand to try to get a grip, Forgive my lips that may display a false smile

Written 6-17-2023

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