Caricamento in corso...

Cyclic Love

Love is love ...

She said ‘I want to be with you forever’
I laughed saying ‘I don’t understand’ and expressed ‘in my next life I might be a man’
She shook her head, smirked and let go of my hand
‘I could even be a wild horse roaming the land’
Glaring into her eyes I said ‘I’ve met you before’
She smirked again, looked deep into mine and I knew her even more
She said ‘what is this nonsense you speak? Are you feeling alright?’
I replied ‘I knew you and loved you in a previous life…’-
‘But I can’t be with you forever’ and tears grew in her eyes
‘I can’t take you with me when passing to my next life’
‘We might meet again and I hope to love you every time’
‘But every minute I spend in this existing life you will be mine’
She held me close, her pounding heart against my chest
The barriers holding back her tears burst, soaking through my vest
She said ‘I know I called it nonsense but what you’re speaking is true’-
‘When I’m in your presence my mind has constant déjà-vous’
‘Maybe are souls are intertwined and with you I’ll always meet’
‘This Samsara, this cyclic life, maybe we’ll defeat?’
I promised even if I was a wild horse, to her I’d gallop to find
This was only said to calm her poor deluded mind
She asked ‘What happened to waiting on those you love in the heavenly sky?’-
‘So our final breath may be our final goodbye?’
All I could do is answer with a painful and heavy sigh
And ask myself why do I fall in love? Why? Why? Why? ­­


