

I’ll start by wishing on a star
blazing brightly from afar, or,
pitch a penny in a well and swear
my reflection never to tell.
Or, cross my heart and hope to die
on a comet streaking across the sky;
What else can I do to
make my wish come true?
Fragrant, sweet flower
pulled from a vine
swear on your petals
that he will be mine,
tell me
with each
pluck it
says yes, every time!
Pretty little flower, forgive of me
my petal snatching thievery
but your Bachelor’s Button
blossoms won’t promise his heart so,
I pick every flower and I pull it apart.
What else can I do to
make my wish come true?
Because everywhere I stop
the petal says,
“He loves me not.”

Otras obras de michelle lalonde...
