

Dead batteries get tossed away
End up washing into the sea
I can taste rising levels
The wrong acid in my water
Practicing lawful extortion
A bit of yours becomes more of mine
I’m not reliving all my dreams
But my memory means so much
So Jesus can save my world
How when no one man is given a chance
Stacked a house of cards against the odds
I don’t mind getting blown by wind
This is our revolving door
And someday we gotta get out
Feels like more of a contracting circle
I had my epiphany from smoke rings
Always getting sucked in
So once again I’ll take your complaints
It’s getting harder to explain
The things in life that weren’t when you were raised
I’m open with my own opinions
So shy and outgoing
Heading in my own direction
Maybe falling out of control
I’ll enjoy the waterfall
The view is wonderful
When it comes crashing down
I’ll remember how it was before

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