
Open Windows

The sun was shining along with
a slight autumn breeze blowing,
The leaves would began to settle
from the sleeping street trees
but the wind start up and then stop.
It was the morning she opened her window
that a man passed below and waved a subtle
hello. The morning she opened her window,
was the beginning of the new season, a
new way for the sun to ignite the sky
and the air would turn on and begin to stir.
The smell was fresh with dew and the floral
shop on the corner. She lived in the city
so there was morning noise, cars rumbling
and hitting manholes on the road from hurried
office workers and drowsy truck drivers,
drunk men from bars and the few elderly
falling on the ground and losing their glasses,
students catching the bus for their eight hours
at school. Seeing all this she takes a deep breath,
holds her coffee mug closer and sits on a kitchen chair
leaving her open windows to relieve her of the stink
of a brand new apartment building. This is the woman
with the only windows that will open wide.

© 2013 Melody

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