
My Greatest Learning

how can people be so stereotype

My Greatest Learning
There is more to people than you can think of, the greatest gift is to understand that people will always have a different approach and understanding to life in general however that doesn’t mean they are useless or stupid just because they don’t see the world the same way you do. The world has been divided into two parts which is “my part and their part”, my part is based on how I think, how I reflect to the outside world and challenges and their world is how the perceive things according to their way of living and mind you that they might differ with me by how they view things and how I view things however the greatest learning is you have to understand that life is complicate at its own way so what you need to do is just sit back relax and let the life teach you.
My story:
First when I arrived at Eden Park which is more colored based kazi in 2013 most people regarded them as people who just love to fight and as we all know what they say in life “if you can’t beat them than you must join them. So to me it became so I disliked them from that moment and have never even listen to one of them speaking because to me it was like they never will speak something of sense or something that will build my life. To me they were just foolish drunkard and fighting people. Regarded them as corrupt people with no direction. Until the 05th of October 2015 first day at work where most of my co-workers are coloreds and there is something great that I learned in them, the thing that those people who use to tell me how cruel and foolish coloreds are have never taught me which is dedication and passion for what you’re doing. Let me tell you about coloreds people when they hate you mhm they do it with all their hearts, when one decide to leave school, he does it without anyone making decision for him, When they love, they love you like they are going to lose you, when they work mhm they put all effort to make it a success and truth is they are more successful people I ever met because they never hesitate to take risk even when knowing that it might not work out so they only look at the positive side which is if my risk go according to plan it will pay off. They are just passionate about what they are doing so my greatest learning is that you will never understand a person until you come closer and choose to only see the positive in them because no person is perfect, we all have skeletons in our closet however that doesn’t mean we don’t have a bright side upon us. People look at you and chose what they want to see in you so is your duty to show them a different you however mind that never try to prove someone wrong.

MY GREATEST LEARNING “Never judge a book by its cover so open it and read it than judge after reading and understanding it”


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