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The Tale of Ghastly Lynn

Even hell doesn’t have enough room for your ego.

Have you heard the stories of Ghastly Lynn,
The tales to chill your marrow
With deceitful smile and brittle skin
And dead eyes, mean and narrow?
They say that once she was a child,
Both innocent and kind,
But by her brother oft defiled
Led to her twisted mind.
A mother she had once, oh aye,
Her own mother had she,
A mother who turned a blind eye
To her young daughter’s plea.
Now history repeats again
In those too scared to grow;
Three decades’ worth of time since then.
What does she have to show?
The tales of Ghastly’s evil deeds
Could fill a thousand books
But let’s unearth some crooked seeds
To see what paths she took.
She lied to every single person
To whom she had ever spoke
Which caused her mind to worsen
And turn her evil in one stroke.
Though some say she had already been
Evil from the start,
It’s a battle of semantics when
You haven’t got a heart.
And when you have no heart it’s easy
To get people on your side
Because no one thinks you’re sleazy
If they don’t know that you lied.
But she’s lied to the cops, to the court,
To her hubby,
She had endless blind support
From people whose brains are stubby.
A big fish in a little pond:
That’s what you have to be
When anything beyond
Might expose your bigotry.
What also gets exposed
Is what a bad person you are,
And by remaining unopposed
You help tie iron to the bar.
Though she never did a single thing
Of worth in all her life,
She justified the hell she’d bring
By being womb and wife.
Ghastly Lynn, so says the tale,
Stole her own child out of spite,
And was even able to avoid jail
Cause cops just ain’t too bright.
Then nude videos she did keep
Of her poor own infant daughter.
I don’t know how she could sleep,
But I do know who taught her.
Favorites with her kids, she played
Setting them against each other
Cause if evil’s not out on display
No one suspects the mother.
She had the means to help those kids,
But that’s too much to ask
When everything she ever did
Added layers to the mask.
Mothers should protect,
And there’s no bigger loser
Than a mom who neglects
And becomes a child abuser.
She was ugly on the outside and inside,
And would insist
That she has nothing to hide,
That’s she’s not a narcissist.
She’ll never get her just desserts,
Even though she brags and taunts.
She doesn’t care who she hurts
If she gets what she wants.
The tale of Ghastly Lynn rings true
And it may give you a fright
To know that she can even find you
On a poetry site.
PS Play your petty little game
It’s not affirmation if I don’t say your name

There is a ghost that haunts even the most obscure webpages, wailing to anyone she can in the hopes that whatever insane accusation she can think up will stick. Because the sad truth is that she is was a horrible person in life, and is even worse in death. She contributed nothing of substance, and was a net negative to the world. So when she took her own life (which she blamed on everyone else), she only had what she was to form what she would be. Lies, manipulation, cheating, theft, kidnapping, perjury, and more child abuse than anyone will ever know about. So if you see something sinister and irredeemably, disgustingly, pathetically ugly and evil cross your page or your path, you might be haunted by the ghost of Ghastly Lynn.

#abuse #childabuse #covertnarcissist #depression #falseaccusations #narcissism #narcissist

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